Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022:- अगर आप भी 10वीं क्लास पास लड़की हैं जो इंडियन आर्मी में अग्निवीर की नौकरी पाना चाहती हैं तो इस आर्टिकल में भारत की सभी बेटियों के लिए हम आपको Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 के बारे में विस्तार से बताएंगे।
हम अपनी सभी युवतियों को सूचित करना चाहते हैं कि Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 के तहत जल्द ही सैन्य पुलिस के कॉर्प में अग्निवीर(General Duty) महिलाओं के रिक्त पदों पर भर्ती के लिए आवेदन प्रक्रिया की तारीखों की घोषणा जल्द ही की जाएगी, जिसका पूरा अपडेट हम आपको पूरे अपडेट प्रदान करते रहेंगे।

Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 – Overview
Name of the Army | Indian Army |
Name of the Articcle | Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 |
Type of Article | Latest Job |
Who Can Apply? | Only Female Candidates Can Apply |
Age Limit? | 17½– 23# |
Salary Details | अग्निवीरों का वेतन और परिलब्धियां नीचे दी गई हैं: – (एए) वर्ष 1. अनुकूलित पैकेज – ₹ 30,000/- (साथ ही लागू भत्ते।) (एबी) वर्ष 2. अनुकूलित पैकेज – ₹33,000/- (साथ ही लागू भत्ते।) (एसी) वर्ष 3. अनुकूलित पैकेज – ₹ 36,500/- (साथ ही लागू भत्ते।) (विज्ञापन) वर्ष 4. अनुकूलित पैकेज – ₹ 40,000/ – (साथ ही लागू भत्ते।) |
Online Application Starts From? | 09 August 2022 से शुरू |
Last Date | 07 September, 2022 |
Official Website | Click Here |
Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022
हम अपने इस लेख में उन सभी युवतियों का स्वागत करना चाहते हैं जो अग्निपथ योजना 2022 के तहत भारतीय सेना में अग्निवीर के रूप में अपना करियर बनाना चाहती हैं और इसीलिए हम आपको इस लेख के बारे में विस्तार से बताएंगे, Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 के बारे में बताएंगे….
आप सभी लड़कियों को बता दें कि, Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 में, आवेदन के लिए, आप सभी को ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया को अपनाना होगा, जिसकी पूरी चरण-दर-चरण जानकारी हम आपको इस लेख में प्रदान करेंगे, ताकि आप सभी इस भर्ती में आवेदन कर सकें, और इसमें वह अग्निवीर के रूप में अपना करियर बना सकते हैं।
सेना अग्निवीर महिला रिक्ति 2022 के लिए आवश्यक शैक्षिक योग्यता?
Category | Required Educational Qualification |
Agniveer (General Duty) Women in Corp of Military Police |
Class 10th /Matric pass with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. For boards following grading system, min of ‘D’ grade (33% – 40%) in individual subjects or grades with 33% in indl subjects and overall aggregate of ‘C2’ grade or equivalent corresponding to 45% in aggregate. Note: Candidates with valid Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) Driving Licence will be given preference for Driver requirements.Indian Gorkhas – Class 10th simple pass. |
Required Documents For Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022?
Candidates are required to bring the following documents/certificates in original with two attested photocopies with them to the rally site:-
- Admit Card Printed on Laser Printer on good quality paper (Do not shrink the
size). - Photograph. Twenty (20) copies of unattested Passport size colour photographs
developed on good quality photographic paper in white background not more than three months old Computerised/photocopied/shopped photographs will NOT be accepted. - Education Certificates.
(i) Education Certificate with marks sheet of all educational qualifications
achieved by candidate i.e Matric/Intermediate etc from recognized
(ii) Provisional/online education certificate should be certified ink signed by
the head of the educational institution of the concerned Board/University.
(iii) Candidates with matric certificates from Open School should bring School
Leaving Certificate countersigned by BEO/DEO.
(iv) List of Education Board recognized by State Governments / UT
administrations attach as Appendix ‘A’ will only be accepted. - Domicile Certificate. Domicile Certificate with photograph issued by
Tehsildar/District Magistrate. - Class/Caste Certificate. Class/Caste Certificate affixed with a photograph of
the candidate issued by the Tehsildar/District Magistrate. - Religion Certificate. Religion Certificate to be issued by the Tehsildar/ SDM
(if religion as “SIKH/ HINDU/ MUSLIM/ CHRISTIAN” is not mentioned in caste
certificate). - School Character Certificate. School Character Certificate issued by the
School/College Principal/Headmaster where the candidates last studied. - Character Certificate. Character Certificate with photograph issued by Village
Sarpanch/Municipal Corporation within last six months from the date of dispatch. - Relationship Certificate. DOS/DOES/DOW/DOWW Candidates are required
to produce the following documents:-
(i) Relationship certificate issued from respective Record Office only duly
signed by Record Officer with Personal Number, Rank, Name and particular of
the Record Officer issuing the Relationship Certificate with office seal/stamp is
endorsed. The relationship certificate should bear water mark of the concerned
(ii) A declaration to the effect as mentioned in Affidavit on Ten Rupees NonJudicial Stamp paper prepared by the ESM duly signed by 1st
Class/Executive/Judicial Magistrate is required to be submitted by the candidate
at rally site. Format of the affidavit is attached as per Appendix ‘B’.
(iii) Original Discharge Book of Ex-Servicemen also to be produced. Name
and date of birth of the candidate must have been recorded in it.
(iv) Widows of Deceased Soldier can produce IAFY-1940 as a relationship
cert. - NCC Certificate. NCC A/B/C Certificate should have a photograph of the
candidate duly attested by issuing authority. Provisional NCC A/B/C pass certificates will only be accepted if authenticated by concerned NCC Group Commanders. No bonus marks are to be allotted unless the certificate (Relationship/Sports/NCC) has been verified. An undertaking to the effect will be obtained from the candidate. Provisional certificates are accepted only during the notified rally duration neither, earlier nor later. - Sports Certificate.
(i) Sportsmen who have represented India at the international level and State at
National level within the last two years (for list of sports under which relaxation in physical standards is admissible, attention is invited to website).
(ii) Sportsmen who have represented District at State level and University
the team at Inter-University Championship within last two years (Sports Certificate
should be with a registration number and from government recognized sport
institutes / bodies).
(iii) List of Sports. List of Sports for enrolment is attached as Appendix ‘C’. - Unmarried Certificate. The candidate must be an unmarried female and a citizen of
India less exceptions as given below. Unmarried Certificate for candidates with
photograph issued by Village Sarpanch/Municipal Corporation within last six months. - Married Candidates
(i) Women who are widowed, divorced or legally separated are also eligible
provided they do not have any children.
(ii) Widows of Defence personnel who have died in harness will be eligible to
apply for enrolment as Women MP. Such widows even with children will be,
however, eligible only if they have not remarried. All such candidates will
however be required to meet the educational cut off percentage requirement for
being shortlisted for screening at the recruitment rally (as given out on Education Requirement column).
(iii) Marriage During Training. Candidates must undertake not to
marry until they complete the full training at the CMP Centre and School,
Bengaluru. A candidate, who marries subsequent to the date of her application,
though otherwise successful at the CEE and physical exam or medical
examination, will not be selected for training. A candidate may be dismissed
from service if she marries during training or is found to be already married
in spite of giving an undertaking regarding the same. - Affidavit. Duly signed by candidate on Rs 10/– Non-Judicial Stamp Paper as
per specimen duly attested by notary will be submitted by the candidate at the Rally Site without fail. Format of affidavit attached as per Appendix ‘D’. Submission of the affidavit is Mandatory to gain entry into the Rally. Candidates WILL NOT BE
PERMITTED to enter the rally without an affidavit. - Certificate of Bonus Marks. All original certificates/photocopies duly attested
pertaining to Bonus marks will be accepted only during the Rally. No certificates including NCC Certificates, Sports Certificate, Relationship Certificates or any other certificates to claim Bonus Marks / Relaxation would be accepted after the termination of the Rally. - Single Bank A/C, PAN Card & AADHAR Card. Single Bank A/C, PAN Card &
Aadhar Card are mandatory documents for final enrolment for purpose of Pay &
allowances and other social benefit schemes. - Police Character Certificate.
- Sarpanch/Nagar Sewak (Residence Proof) E.t.c
Women Agniveer Recruitment 2022 Admit Card Date
Women Agniveer Recruitment 2022 Admit Card दिनांक 12 अक्टूबर 2022 से 13 अक्टूबर 2022 को आवेदकों के ईमेल आईडी पर एडमिट कार्ड भेज दिया जाएगा | यदि आवेदकों के ईमेल आईडी कार्ड पर एडमिट कार्ड नहीं जाता है तो आपको नीचे दिए गए लिंक के माध्यम से अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन नंबर डालकर एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करना होगा |
Step By Step Online Application Process of Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022?
यदि हमारी सभी योग्य और इच्छुक युवतियां जो भारतीय सेना में अग्निवीर के रूप में अपना करियर बनाने के लिए इस भर्ती में आवेदन करना चाहती हैं, तो आपको इन चरणों का पालन करना होगा जो इस प्रकार हैं:-
Step 1 – Register Your Self On the Portal
- Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 मे, ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको इसकी आधिकारीक वेबसाइट के Home Page पर आना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –

- Home Page पर आने के बाद आपको Online Registration का Option मिलेगा जिस पर आपको Click करना होगा,
- Click करने के बाद आपके सामने इसका Registration Form खुलेगा जिसे आपको ध्यान से भरना होगा औऱ
- अन्त मे, आपको Submit के Option पर Click करना होगा व लॉगिन आई.डी व पासवर्ड को प्राप्त कर लेना होगा।
Step 2 – Login and Apply Online
- रजिस्ट्रेशन करने के बाद आपको वापस होम पेज पर आना होगा जहां पर आपको लॉगइन का ऑप्शन मिलेगा जिस पर Click करके आपको पोर्टल पर लॉग इन करना होगा,
- पोर्टल में लॉग इन करने के बाद में आवेदन फॉर्म खुल जाएगा आपके सामने जो आपको सावधानीपूर्वक भरना होगा,
- मांगे जाने वाले सभी दस्तावेजों को सावधानीपूर्वक स्कैन और अपलोड करना होगा,
- दस्तावेजों को स्कैन और अपलोड करने के बाद, आपको ऑनलाइन आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान करना होगा
- और अंत में, आपको Click करना होगा जमा करने और रसीद प्राप्त करने का Option आदि।
अंत में, इस प्रकार आप सभी इस भर्ती में आवेदन कर सकते हैं और इसमें अपना करियर बना सकते हैं।
Important Link
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Click Here |
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निष्कर्ष – Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022
इस तरह से आप अपना Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 चेक कर सकते हैं, अगर आपको इससे संबंधित और भी कोई जानकारी चाहिए तो हमें कमेंट करके पूछ सकते हैं |
दोस्तों यह थी आज की Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 के बारें में सम्पूर्ण जानकारी इस पोस्ट में आपको Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 , इसकी सम्पूर्ण जानकारी बताने कोशिश की गयी है |
ताकि आपके Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 से जुडी जितने भी सारे सवालो है, उन सारे सवालो का जवाब इस आर्टिकल में मिल सके |
तो दोस्तों कैसी लगी आज की यह जानकारी, आप हमें Comment box में बताना ना भूले, और यदि इस आर्टिकल से जुडी आपके पास कोई सवाल या किसी प्रकार का सुझाव हो तो हमें जरुर बताएं |
और इस पोस्ट से मिलने वाली जानकारी अपने दोस्तों के साथ भी Social Media Sites जैसे- Facebook, twitter पर ज़रुर शेयर करें |
ताकि उन लोगो तक भी यह जानकारी पहुच सके जिन्हें Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022 पोर्टल की जानकारी का लाभ उन्हें भी मिल सके|
FAQ:- Army Agniveer Female Vacancy 2022
How to apply for Army Agniveer Female Recruitment 2022?
Apply Online from the website
What is the last date to apply for the Army Agniveer Female Recruitment 2022?
Online Application Forms are invited Zone Wise. Check the ARO Wise Notification for the Apply Dates.